Here lies a written and chronological record of a trip I will be enjoying/tolerating in the United States of America. I am making my way around this vast country via various methods of transport with the sole aim of making fun for myself. My departure from this English realm is due on the 12th day of January. April 11th is a date on my return ticket. Between those days you may experience feelings that you may have never felt in your lifetime. Extreme joy and inner peace are such reactions.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Ben Franklin and I

Hey yo. Just a quicky today. Not that kind of quicky, Hilly. You wish.

I'm in Philadelphia now, and my God what a great city. I love it here. They actually have some history that dates back more than 80 years ago. In fact my hostel is situated in the 'Old City' which is host to some pleasant old architecture and small cobbled streets and the like.

Because this was the capital when the declaration of independence was signed they have some nice museums. Independence Hall for example, where the declaration was signed. Also they have the Liberty Bell. It is meant to represent liberty, obviously, and freedom, and this said it amuses me therefore that it has a massive crack down it. I've seen the bell before of course. I ollied over it once in Tony Hawk 2. Here is the bell, with me giving a Dalai Lama style peace sign in front of it. The joke is on the Bell however, because with my other hand, I'm crossing my fingers, thus discounting the effects of the peace sign. Ha! Have that, liberty.

I skanked my way in to a museum earlier today. I entered in the exit door thus saving myself $15. I rule out loud, I really do. They had this room of statues of the men that signed the aforementioned Declaration. I was wary that one of them may have been a performing artist, like the ones at Convent Garden or Pier 41, and was gonna jump out on me. There wasn't. Then I was gonna DDT Ben Franklin. I chose not to. I also took a photo of myself subtly situed amongst the statues. Can you spot me? Wow, this is like 'Where's Wally?' but better because I'm in it. Mind you, over here they probably call it 'Where's Waldo?' or something equally as daft.

Also I went to the Mint, where they literally make money. The guy at the front desk said "Unfortunately we don't give away free samples". I laughed, sympathetically. I was gonna respond, 'I bet you say that to all the good looking guys', but I knew that if I had, some wicked minded foes of mine such as Martin Jones or James Gale will have offered some 'amusing' comment about good looking guys and how I don't fall in to that category. Well, I haven't given you the chance to mock me so. I win again. Also at the Mint, they make medals. One that was on display that brought memories back was one awarded to a poet called Robert Frost. On the medal there was one of his poems, 'The Gift Outright'. Hey, it could of been worse, it could of been 'The Road Not Taken'. Hey, am I right or what? Hey? Anybody? No takers? Ok, I'll never mention Robert Frost or his poetry again.

Ok, go away.

Kind regards.

Adam Marshall


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi mate,
Glad to see you're enjoying yourself. Sorry you're not managing to do everything you planned.
Thought you'd want to know England have just put Wales to the sword 47-13 scoring 6 tries all started off by that man Cueto.
Ireland struggled to beat Italy 26-16.
By the way why has some oik prostrated himself under the 'Liberty Bell'?
Talk Soon

8:27 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Been playing where`s wally, i think i spotted you desguised with a wooden leg, but not sure!

6:06 PM


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