Here lies a written and chronological record of a trip I will be enjoying/tolerating in the United States of America. I am making my way around this vast country via various methods of transport with the sole aim of making fun for myself. My departure from this English realm is due on the 12th day of January. April 11th is a date on my return ticket. Between those days you may experience feelings that you may have never felt in your lifetime. Extreme joy and inner peace are such reactions.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Greyhound; An Experience

After my last post, I know what everybody is thinking. You're thinking, "How the hey did you get to Seattle". Well, here's the answer.

It all started at San Francisco's 'Transbay' bus station. Certainly, it's one of the very scariest places I've ever been to. The kind of place where the homeless laugh at you as you walk by. What have they got to laugh about? Maybe it was the clothes that I was wearing, who knows? One other thing I noticed about this place, there were far too many people working there with the surname Garcia. This was especially worrying when you consider that this was one of the main reasons why I left working for R.B.S. I'm kidding of course, there weren't that many people working at the bus station called Garcia.

Arriving at Sacramento station seemed more welcoming; thanks largely to it being directly adjacent to a place called Marshall Hotel. This was comforting for the obvious moniker-based reasons. However, there are far too many people in those stations who are far too overly prepared to divulge far too much personal information about themselves. I'm sure having a an alcoholic, smack addicted ex-wife is tough, Geoff from Reno, Nevada. I only wished I'd stepped in and advised him that after separating from her four years ago, that his least advisable move was to accept the woman's request to stay for a while with him and his new wife. Don't do it lad. It's gonna end in tears. And possibly blood.

The bus due for Seattle was packed, I'm talking people standing up. Considering I was gonna be on this thing for the next 18 hours, that was not a fun prospect. Fortunately for me I bonded with the fella I was sat next to. I enjoyed his sarcasm, or sarcasma as I'm now choosing to call it, when commenting that, "Perfection is rarely achieved, but I think we've found it", as a couple of chaps behind us began beat boxing and rapping, while the baby in front of us started to wail for it's so-called 'Mummy'. Idiot. My neighbor was wrong of course, because perfection was only truly achieved when he began to snore at my face. My left ear claimed, at the time, that this man was the loudest snorer in the world. My other faculties denied this, knowing full well that my father, Terry Alfred Marshall, holds that title.

He left a couple of hours later. He claimed he felt refreshed. I shouted I didn't care. In my head. He was suitably replaced with a woman. She was holding some kind of baby. I'm not sure which kind, but definitely a baby, of that I have no doubt. I can say this with conviction because only a baby would have the sheer audacity to punch and kick me (ok, maybe Hilly would as well) and to shout and whine in such close quarters (yep, again Hilly, does tend to do that) for hours and hours and hours (not Hilly this time; the little scamp tends to tire himself out after an hour or so). I also felt that resting your baby's head
on the elbow of a total stranger with a weird kind of neck beard was ill advised and lacked the tenacity of a good parent. However, I know about as much about parenting as I do about Law. Not much at all.

Anyway, I got to Seattle, and that's it. 21 hours was the length, on the scale of t (which represents time). I'll tell you about this place sometime. Something for you to look forward to. Until then, here is a photo that I took of me towering over Seattle. You will see the 'Space Needle' in the background, which is a famous tower that towers over the buildings of Seattle. The reason that I am towering over it is because I'm standing on the 73rd floor of the U.S. Bank Tower which is the tallest tower on the West Coast of North America and so towers over all of the other towers in the area. Tower.

Alrighty then.

Kind regards.

Adam Marshall


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok baby boy,
found your last log amusing, especially the part about dad's snoring (nobody knows what I go through) wasn't quite so amused about the growth on your chin. Will I recognise you in 3 months I ask myself?
love you (and I don't care who reads this and mocks)
mum xxxxxx

5:26 PM

Blogger The Midnight Devil said...

'Baby boy'!?

Awesome. My mum's like Westwood but better. Pimp my blog.


5:28 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Not being a regular chat room visitor these days (Yep, thats right folks, somewhere down the road i managed to get myself a life) i'm not up to date with all the relevant lingo... but i can honestly say that this posting made me LOL and ROFL... not to mention LMFAO! If you've got no idea what i'm banging on about folks, consider yourselves lucky! If you do know what i'm banging on about, smash your computer into small pieces and go out for a beer before it's too late!

Anyway, I just wanted highlight a few of the tres' funny parts of that posting that had me whooping like a small child and jumping for joy with laughter and excitement etc. (I didn't really do that by the way)

"Geoff from Reno, Nevada"
"Snore at my face"
"Some kind of baby"
"Wierd kind of neck beard"
"Pimp my blog"

Brilliant stuff, keep up the great blogs Monsiuer Devil.

Love you baby boy....

...hang on a sec, that's not how an older brother signs off is it... let's try

Peace & F**king Bruvver... Believe!!

;-p RTM

9:16 PM


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