Here lies a written and chronological record of a trip I will be enjoying/tolerating in the United States of America. I am making my way around this vast country via various methods of transport with the sole aim of making fun for myself. My departure from this English realm is due on the 12th day of January. April 11th is a date on my return ticket. Between those days you may experience feelings that you may have never felt in your lifetime. Extreme joy and inner peace are such reactions.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Never Gonna Ride It, Never Gonna Ride It

Hello again.

I went to America in the end. I almost didn't. Not through my choice of course, but rather via the choices made by a man called John 'Muscles' Baker. He, for example, made the choice not to set his alarm in the morning. This may seem like a trivial point, but when you consider he was due to awaken at 4:30 on Thursday morning to pick me and Picken up to drive to Heathrow where we hoped to catch a plane, the consequences could have been serious. Fortunately, the only detrimental results of his late consciousness, were some angry faces behind the check in desk and an undesirable sprint through terminal 3 to gate 42, which by the way, in case anybody plans to arrive at Heathrow late and are leaving from that particular gate, is the one at the very far end of the airport.

Still at least we knew that we had the chance to sit down for a while at the end of our run. Yep, 12 hours was just enough time to get our breath back. So we spent pretty much a day sat eating and watching films, and T.V. programs, and playing computer games. Hang on, I know this one: it was pretty much like being back at Uni. Very funny. The difference being when we I was playing computer games at uni I wasn't traveling at hundreds of miles per hour over the Atlantic Ocean. But then again, in our own little way, I think that we are all always traveling at hundreds of mile per hour over the Atlantic Ocean. I'll leave you to think about that.

And at this point, I'll leave you also with the task of trying to forget the nasty little incident that was this blog posting. The chaps have gone gallivanting out on bicycles across the Golden Gate Bridge. I made another choice, which was not to join them (for obvious reasons I think). The guy at the bike hire store suggested maybe we hire a tandem, then I could just sit at the back and do nothing. But then, the other guy there reminded us that two men on a tandem in the gay capital of the world may be inadvisable. We agreed.

Ta-ta for now.

Kind regards.

Adam Marshall L.L.B.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Adam what is your email address again? I sent you an email but it seems to have gone to someone called Gloria!

Mark H

9:38 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Adam,

I'm glad you got to America, Baker can be a troublesome scamp can't he?! update this thing more often you loser, you do realise that writting on this thing was the only reason you went don't you?! Also...and heres a request....can you post the dates that you're meeting all these off the alphabet list stars please? as i'm quite interested to see how your rendevous with a certain Mr Belding turns out!

Kind Regards,

Simon 'The Hill, Hilly, Hillbo' Hill

P.s. You'll be interested to hear that mindsweeper isn't the same without you....x

5:13 PM


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