Here lies a written and chronological record of a trip I will be enjoying/tolerating in the United States of America. I am making my way around this vast country via various methods of transport with the sole aim of making fun for myself. My departure from this English realm is due on the 12th day of January. April 11th is a date on my return ticket. Between those days you may experience feelings that you may have never felt in your lifetime. Extreme joy and inner peace are such reactions.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Paradise Hostel

Hello again. Tis I, Adam 'the Midnight Devil' Marshall, with further news and views from the great city of New York...City. I'm sure that you are all very eager to see what new excitement I've been up to. And by 'all' of course I refer to my parents and Simon Hill. And I don't think my parents even bother any more. They have better things to do, like watch Emmerdale and complete Sudoku puzzles. And when you consider that my dad hates Emmerdale and mother dearest struggles to fathom the complexities of the secrets of Sudoku, you really get an idea of how mundane this blog is. Just you and me then Hill. It's just like this January all over again. If you're lucky I'll tell you the story of when Mr Owen told us in year 7 that by the time we finish school we'll all be carrying around computers in wheel barrows again. Crazy Welsh bastard.

So...New York continues to be kind to me. And one resident of that fair metropolis has been especially kind. He goes by several alternative identities; the Crunch 'n' Munch Guy, Dancin' Dave K, and Dave Kerpen are but a few. But fans of the hit Channel 5 reality T.V. show 'Paradise Hotel' will fondly remember him simply as Dave. And for those of you who don't remember him, allow me to jog your memory in the usual prescribed way...

The undoubted star of the show, Dave provided hours of quality entertainment as the thoroughly likeable, but oft fall guy on 'Paradise Hotel'. As viewers of the program we enjoyed him battle things out against the manly and slightly unstable (so it seemed) Toni, as well as being led on and then betrayed like Jesus himself by Charla, who, in my wayward analogy, I guess must be Judas. Wayward of course because Judas wasn't a waitress from Minnesota and Jesus didn't formerly sell a popcorn product at Boston Red Sox's Fenway Park. But the principle is basically the same.

Anyway, Dave told me all about his life pre and post Paradise. As well as about the plans for his upcoming marriage in July at a baseball park in front of 10,000. And it's all for free. Good luck sir. Good luck.

The description of such an encounter will leave a lot of you with only one complaint. The canny eyed of you will claim that I have therefore spelt the title of the post incorrectly. Not so my dear fellow(s). Because I have very deviously used the title space to get two points across. One, that I will be meeting a star from 'Paradise Hotel'. The other? To cement the idea that hostel that I am currently aboding within is something of a treasure. The staff literally know every guest's name They give me unlimited tea and toast on demand And best of all, one guy who works there is actually called Vance. How cool is that. Also, the owner lady is extremely pleasant. Plus she's German. How very singular, I'm sure.

I went to my very first baseball game on Saturday. Within moments of me entering the stadium I was told that due to the torrential rainfall outside, the game had been cancelled. But you can halt your cruel and savage laughter right there mister, because due to the remarkable amount of matches that baseball teams try to fit into one season, there was another game the very next day. And the ticket was only $2. And the seats were sweet. And the New York Mets (the home team, and beloved force of the Kerpenator as can be seen above) won. And I got to eat a hotdog, which, from the queer feeling in one's belly area the next day, was probably left over from Saturday's unused batch. D'oh. Oh yeah, baseball if nobody knows what that is:

Wife to Husband - "When you said we were looking at diamonds today, I wasn't expecting this"

Continuing the pursuit of seeing where some movies are filmed sometimes (See Silence of the Lambs, Shawshank Redemption, Home Alone 2:Lost in New York in previous posts if you can bear it), I took shelter from the snow the other day in the New York Public Library. It was just like box-office flop 'The Day After Tomorrow', except better because Jake Gyllenhaal wasn't camping things up, and Dennis Quaid wasn't there, and I didn't die a horrible painful death. Thumbs up all round I say.

Kind regards.

Adam Marshall


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi baby boy,
feeling slightly hurt as I look each and every day for your latest writings, as any loving mum would!
see you tomorrow,wow!

7:08 AM


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