Here lies a written and chronological record of a trip I will be enjoying/tolerating in the United States of America. I am making my way around this vast country via various methods of transport with the sole aim of making fun for myself. My departure from this English realm is due on the 12th day of January. April 11th is a date on my return ticket. Between those days you may experience feelings that you may have never felt in your lifetime. Extreme joy and inner peace are such reactions.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Hooray! It's just like Mardi Gras

In fact, it was Mardi Gras.

I went to New Orleans a few days ago. Twas a good bash. This one night yea, I got like, really drunk. That's how wild this trip has been thus far. Alcoholic beverages and sites of national importance, all in one three month spell. Amazing.

So let me tell you about New Orleans, or as you're supposed to pronounce it I'm told, N'Ahwleens. Something like that anyway. The French Quarter, which is probably the most famous part of the city, was pretty much untouched by little miss Hurricane Katrina. This is a real blessing because it is a really beautiful little area. Quaint wooden houses line the streets, most of them dorned with pretty trinkets hanging in the windows. The dwellers there take residence on their front porches and amiably call, 'Happy Mardi Gras' to the passers-by. Horse drawn carts roll down the streets carrying smiling faces who wave from their seats. And the sun sits in the sky contently, warming the bodies of the tourists and locals alike below.

Puke and 'titties', on the other hand, is what greets you when you bundle down the infamous Bourbon Street. This is the road where the rowdiness occurs. People stand in the balconies above and throw beads down to the public below. Actually, those people in the balconies have got a real superiority complex I reckon. I wasn't gonna tell them that though, I wanted their dam beads. Back on the street people gather to drink beer and smoke. It's a good bash actually. It's like a Bacardi advert, but better because Vinny Jones isn't there plus you don't have to drink Bacardi.

Every now and then, a crowd emerges with the usual whooping idiots that I've been accustomed to in the States. The reason for the crowds, with each randy individual wielding his camera aloft, is because a half trashed/trashy girl is threatening to unveil her breasts. Everybody throws beads at her, and for this paltry payment she indeed carries out her threat to the flash of photography. Everybody whoops again.

Like I say though I enjoyed the city. I got to watch the parades during the day, which weren't as good as the classic New Addington parades, but were decent all the same. The people in the parade also throw beads. The beads are like currency here, except not, because you can't actually purchase stuff with them, plus I actually had some. On the Friday evening, I managed to get talking to a group. Bunch of lawyers apparently. Money grabbing bastards. I liked them though, because they took me down Bourbon Street and bought me dinner and beers and shots all night. Thanks guys. Thighs.

Also a woman asked me to show my member. But she used much stronger language, she actually said the word 'penis'. I declined.

I will endeavor to spoil your visual senses with photos when next we meet. Until that time, I will be knocking around L.A. for a bit. Who knows, maybe I'll meet some familiar faces.

Kind regards y'all.

Adam Marshall
Southern Dandy


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo Southern Dandy! Midlands Daddie here. I'm liking what I'm reading and seeing and am looking forward to your posts from L.A. I've heard a little of your first party from your big bro. I think someone close to us both would really like to hear your voice!

7:43 PM


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